Attention Allocation in Teaching and Learning

Over years of lived experiences, expert music teachers’ expectations regarding the components of successful learning are shaped through the refinement of memories that connect perceptions and actions with probable outcomes. One of the primary contributors to success in structuring successful music experiences is the ability to effectively allocate attention and accurately perceive relevant visual and auditory cues that in turn guide momentary decision-making. What teachers hear, see, and feel over repeated experiences reinforces cognitive representations of successful learning, which in turn drive teachers’ moment-to-moment attentional foci.

Our group deploys systematic gaze analysis in natural settings to examine teachers' allocation of attention in instructional interactions.


Doctoral Students

Lab Alumni (Current Positions)


Heinsen, R. S. (2024). Gaze behavior reveals automaticity and attention allocation in music teaching vs. observing. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 17(2):3. [pdf]

Hicken, L. K., & Duke, R. A. (2022). Differences in attention allocation in relation to music teacher experience and expertise. Journal of Research in Music Education, 70, 369-384. [pdf]