Scribe 5 is an optimally flexible data analysis program that permits users to label events in live observations or in digital video recordings, summarize event timings, and play back labeled events in customized configurations. Scribe 5 is a cross-platform JavaScript application that runs equally well on Macs and PCs. Mouse- and keyboard-controlled input windows control data input, marking the onsets and offsets of any number of discrete variables. Scribe 5's output presents:
- chronological records of event timings,
- interactive timelines representing coded behavior, and
- summary tables that describe data recorded over the course of observation intervals.
Scribe 5 can record data directly from digital videos, linking the data record to the video file. This permits users to replay labeled events in ways that illuminate relationships among variables of interest.

Scribe 5 was developed at the Center for Music Learning and is an integral part of the teacher preparation and behavioral research programs in the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music. Scribe 5 is used in a number of other universities in the US and abroad in teaching and research applications.
For detailed written information about Scribe 5, download the Scribe 5 User Manual.
To cite the software in published works, please use the following: Duke, R. A. (2020). Scribe 5 (for observation and assessment). Austin, TX: Learning & Behavior Resources.
Due to security-related changes in browser software, Scribe 4.2 no longer functions with updated systems and browsers. We are currently working to resolve the problem and will post updates here. Until the code is repaired, sales of Scribe 4.2 have been suspended.
We will provide updates about the software as they become available.
Scribe 5.1 will be available in early 2024.