The Fourth Annual Habits of Musicianship Summer Workshop is designed for band teachers, college teachers, and music education majors who have used or would like to use The Habits of Musicianship as a basis for instrumental music instruction in their schools.
As is well known by more than 5000 teachers who use Habits, the approach conveys a singular focus on developing fundamental ways of thinking and behaving that we call the habits of musicianship. Our overarching goal in beginning instruction is for young musicians to build constructive habits, not only by the time they reach the end of their first year of study but from their first few days in music class. Everything is about expressive musicianship, and habit formation begins on Day 1. The productive habits of music learning, music practice, and music making that we emphasize in The Habits of Musicianship help instill musician-like attitudes, cultivate mature musical thinking, and promote classrooms imbued with a sense of accomplishment and joy.
We believe that collaborative interactions among new and experienced teachers who work with beginning instrumentalists will be an interesting and enlivening experience for us all. Workshop participants will be asked as part of the online registration process to identify instruments that they would like to focus on during the workshop. Small-group instrument pedagogy sessions on both days will be devoted to refining fundamental skills on these instruments. We want to be sure to address topics and questions that are of particular interest to attendees, and the online registration portal will ask participants to submit their questions and ideas as well.
To assure individual attention and to facilitate interactions among participants, enrollment is limited. Registration is now open and will close when our enrollment limit is reached.
We hope to see you in Austin in June. Until then,
Best wishes,
Bob, Jim, and Jen
Bob Duke, PhD, Marlene and Morton Meyerson Professor in Music and Human Learning, The University of Texas at Austin
Jim Byo, PhD, Carl Prince Matthies Professor in Music Education and Director of the School of Music, Louisiana State University
Jen Bergeron, Head Band Director, Walsh Middle School, Austin
Guest pedagogues in Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium/Tuba
Location: The University of Texas at Austin, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music
Tentative Schedule
Monday June 17
9:00 AM A vision of students as accomplished musicians
10:00 AM The beginning class as a rich musical experience (including classroom organization and student behavior)
11:00 AM Preparing to teach music—score study from the Hindemith Symphony to Give It Up for Two Notes
LUNCH (on your own)
1:30 PM Small-group instrument pedagogy workshops
3:00 PM Using the method—thoughts from experienced, successful teachers
4:00 PM The role of error-making in human learning
BARBEQUE SUPPER (not included in workshop fee)
Tuesday June 18
9:00 AM The neuroscience of music practice and implications for teaching
10:00 AM Engaging students
11:00 AM Teaching music reading
LUNCH (on your own)
1:30PM Small-group instrument pedagogy workshops
3:00PM Writing your own music to address student needs
4:00PM Lessons from Habits, Questions, and Discussion
Workshop Fee = $200 (includes continental breakfasts, coffee, and light refreshments throughout each day; does not include housing, but campus housing is available and can be arranged through the workshop registration portal below)
If you have questions about The Habits of Musicianship Summer Workshop, please click to contact Meri Krueger, Program Director for the Center for Music Learning.
When you are ready to complete your registration, click the link below.
When registration opens in early spring 2019, you will find a link to the registration portal here.
Your registration receipt will contain information about on-campus housing.
We will also post a list of local hotels if you wish to make reservations off-campus.